Thursday 30th November, usually the day of our monthly meeting became the evening to celebrate our year end function at which we carry out any awarding of colours that are due, but this year saw also the celebration of twenty years since the Meeulanders Motorcycle club was established.
After some discussion as to when and where to hold the event, some were not available or could not afford another full weekend sleepover the committee decided that an evening event would be ideal and so it was that we acquired a very suitable space at the picturesque Alegria Restaurant right on the water's edge in Saint Helena Bay. The owners George and Ronelle are also bikers and have ridden with us so they knew exactly what was required.
So it was that most of the club members gathered (some were still not available) for what was to become a very enjoyable evening.
The weather was extremely pleasant, warm and calm and obviously the company was the best, all family.
Once everyone was settled and content it was time to get the business part of the evening done so that the party could commence;
Our youngest member, Prospect Elsje was awarded half colours which was a rather emotional experience for her and then Sampie and Kathy were awarded very well deserved full colours,
These two are both extremely dedicated to the club and it was my honour and privilege to carry out the award ceremony. Craig, in the background happily administered the "strafdop" a wicked concoction of raisins soaked in Stoh Rum!
The award for "Ongeluksvoel" (Accident) went to Louis for dropping his bike outside our start up venue on a breakfast run and his wife Johlene was the recipient of the "MamaMeeu" trophy for being the kind and considerate person that she is.

Gerrie who is the usual provider of most of the photos used in this blog was the recipient of the trophy for the most points accumulated through the year, well done to all of you.
Then three of the original members were called to open the anniversary proceedings, Floors (left) and Steven (right) were members right from the beginning and Frank (centre) just a short time later. Frank gave a short introductory speech, actually Steven made sure it was short by stopping Frank with a mouthful of Craig's medicine!

A very nice meal was provided by the restaurant and shortly afterwards people started making their way home, thanks to all of the members and to George and Ronelle of the Alegria Restaurant in Saint Helena Bay (022 7361393) for making the evening a success. Feedback has been positive.
Those of you reading this please take time (if you feel inclined, or if you deem it worthy) to vote for this blog for the 2017 SA blog awards, the "vote" button is on the top right hand side, thank you.
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