It had been a day of good riding, 436 kms but now it was time to party! We booked into our very comfortable room and headed for the bar - soon the whole mob was there keeping the barmaid very busy. As is usual with this kind of group the talk inevitably goes to the ride and how fast we all ride, how we can corner and what happened along the way. Graham said that he is going to get a tee shirt printed "The older I get the faster I was!"
The prices were reasonable and the bar did a roaring trade and as the sun went down the party moved outside where a nice fire was keeping people warm. The hotel supplied a huge amount of Karoo lamb, pork and boerewors and as is usually the case there were enough volunteers to take care of the braaiing.
I can tell you that by the time the food was ready I was seriously hungry, breakfast in Ceres was ages ago and the cheese and biscuits did not go very far! We moved into the dining room where we feasted on the excellent meat, bread rolls and a variety of salads - good stuff.
After the meal the party moved back outside and a couple of local youngsters arrived, one on a Vuka scooter which the guys tried to buy from him so that we could melt it like tupperware on the fire! Dan wanted to get a collection going and Des got caught twice putting burning logs under the scooter, eventually the youngster did the wise thing; he got on his scooter and left! Just as well, he could have ended up with about R900 and a melted lump of plastic!
As it was last year, so it was this year; a wonderful evening of cameraderie shared with like minded people with the added pleasure of having our ladies along. Des - who didn't look too happy when he first surfaced - cheered up and was soon his old self, he announced that next year the Polar bear run would be going to one of the hot springs resorts - I'm in!
It was just about time to get k-s-u (kick stands up) but we could already smell the bacon and boerewors cooking, breakfast and the awards ceremony was next. What a great night it had been.
As the night progressed people started fading and it was a pleasure to climb into a bed that had been warmed up by an electric blanket.
We were up bright and early and joined our friends around the fire which someone had very thoughtfully got going again.

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