By the time we got into breakfast I was good and hungry, maybe just a little hung-over and a greasy breakfast was just what the doctor ordered. It was a good breakfast and it went down singing hymns! After that it was time for the awards, Des had organised some good spot prizes from various sponsors but the inaugural "Footloose award" went to Dave for the bugger-up he made last year.
It was all in good fun and we had a good laugh and then it was time to get on the road, another lovely day with only the possibility of a bit of wind - no rain forcast. It was a very enjoyable ride through the vast open spaces of the "Great Karoo", we took it easy just cruising along, no hurry, plenty of time to get home. It was just so great being out on the open road with the prospect of another 400kms ahead of us.
An hour later we pulled up at the N1 intersection for a leg-stretch and a chat, fungis and Graham were already there chatting to Dick and Janet as we climbed off the bike. Man I love this stuff! It is so good being a biker and riding with a bunch of like minded people, those who don't ride motorbikes have no idea what they are missing!
55kms down the road we stopped to refuel, waved our goodbyes to Dick and Janet who were carrying on along the N1 and we took the R46 again through to Ceres. Another very good ride through the two picturesque passes brought us back into the little town where we had had breakfast the previous day. I just had to stop in a laybye in the beautiful "Mitchell's Pass" where in winter proper, the mountain tops are blanketted in snow. I wasn't too disappointed that there was no snow around then!
It was all very familiar riding country as we have done various trips through that area many times, but that didn't detract from the enjoyment although I must confess that by the time we pulled into Porterville with only 122kms to go, I was definitely feeling a bit saddle-sore. Janet confirmed that she was too so we stopped for a cup of coffee and a piece of home-made yogurt cake.
Fungis and Graham pulled in on their bikes shortly after us, obviously with the same idea and after a half an hour or so we were back on the road, riding together for the final stretch. It had been a fantastic weekend, we renewed old friendships from the previous trip and made new ones that will last, we have new stories to tell and some great memories and I was sorry that the 873km trip was over. Now I have to give the bike a good wash!

I'm not sure what's next, we are going to the Cobra rally during the first weekend in November which is only a two hour ride, but hopefully there will be something before that.
Hey Dad. This one sounded really good fun. I do love the story about the guy on the scooter. He was either brave or stupid to come over to a group of 'old' bikers and think he would be ok. Very funny.
I enjoyed being with the Polar Bear bikers which more than made up for having to travel in the 'Cage'. Seeing you blast past on your bikes is all the motivation needed to get back on a bike. Thanks everyone, see you on the Third Run next year.
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