So far I have found three stories on social media of South African bikers doing their bit for needy children over the Easter weekend, I am sure there are more stories and if I come across them I will share.
I have copied the photos from the social media site but I am sure the photographer won't mind me using them to spread the story; first I read of two Eastern Cape groups, the Hawks and the Buffalo City Riders who obviously got together over the weekend to hand out Easter eggs to underprivileged children;
I don't know these guys but they look like good men, bikers.the bikers spreading joy and happiness to the children, and we all love the marshmallow Easter eggs!
Wherever there are motorbikes the little boys, future bikers, will gather.

Very well done to the members of the Hawks and the Buffalo City riders, you guys and gals are true bikers, you epitomise biking and make us all proud to be bikers.
I only found one picture from Highway Pirates and friends who apparently visited the "Dorpstraat Kindershuis" to spread some goodwill, well done to you people - I do know some of the Highway Pirates, also good bikers.
I also found pictures posted by the SA Navy Bikers group (which I did not know about) who are obviously here in the western cape because they got together to take Easter eggs and soft toys to the Eiland Huis home for children which is nearby in Saint Helena Bay.

This is just a small sample of the excellent work that is regularly carried out by big-hearted bikers in South Africa, as it is pretty much world wide. Much of it goes unnoticed but the reward for those taking part is seeing the happy and excited faces of the children. Well done to you all, bikers are good people.
I like that they spread joy this time of year. For some reason here in the USA it is all about family and eating so there isn't a lot of volunteer work or spreading joy around Easter.
Many bike clubs here do charity work over the Easter weekend, I missed the story of one or two clubs that serve pickled fish to hundreds of people on Good Friday, a tradition here where people eat only fish on the Friday.
Numerous Electric scooters clubs here do philanthropy work over the Easter end of the week, I missed the account of maybe a couple clubs that serve salted fish to many individuals on Good Friday, a convention here where individuals eat just fish on the Friday.
Hi Richard, I wasn't able to find the story about the clubs in Capetown that get together every year to serve pickled fish to the community on Good Friday but eating fish on Good Friday is also a tradition here.
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