
Welcome to my blog, these are the ramblings and musings of an (upper) middle aged biker and if you enjoy braais, (barbeques) beers and motorbikes then hopefully you will enjoy what Janet and I do; we do lots of braais, we drink lots of beer and we tour South Africa on our motorbike, which at the moment is a BMW R1200RT. Join us, read about what we do and please leave us your comments.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Farm murders in South Africa

I wrote a while ago about the Bikers Ride Against Farm Murders initiative which has since then gained nation wide prominence with bikers riding throughout the country raising funds and awareness. The killing continues and it is not making overseas news, our own government is doing nothing about it and there is a danger of this reaching boiling point.
People rally behind slogans like; "No Farmers, No Food." Farmers all over the country are feeling understandably insecure and vulnerable and already many have left. Farms are becoming fortified with electric fences, floodlights and the farmers are heavily armed, the Police force is severely stretched and in most cases unable to respond in time. There is a feeling of helplessness in South Africa.
In one of the latest incidents which took place here in the western cape last week intruders gained entry to the farm by raising the electric fence with logs and slipping under;
Once inside they shot the farmer, killing him in front of his terrified wife and child. The motive for these crimes is not hunger, they could take food and money easily but there is a common denominator which is the sheer brutality of the robberies, in many cases beatings of both men and women and torture.
There is a gathering which we will be attending on Monday, taking place on the R44 opposite Kanonkop before heading down the N1 to Capetown and it looks like it is going to be a big one, Farmers will be attending and the call is for people of all races to gather and rally against these murders, something needs to be done. The word needs to be out there in the international community.


Trobairitz said...

Wow, I remember when you posted about this before. It boggles the mind that someone would want to hurt farmers.

Most of our international news comes from the BBC but even then I am sure it is censored.

Michael said...

Wow this is awful. I live in the US and we never hear anything about this on the news. Only thing we hear is how Russia rigged our election. The other day I read a tweet from Ernie Els about the murders. Farming is a hard job and they sure don't need this stress in their lives.

the rider said...

If you have a chance, pass this on to other people in your circle. We need to get this out there, the more international exposure this gets the better.