
Welcome to my blog, these are the ramblings and musings of an (upper) middle aged biker and if you enjoy braais, (barbeques) beers and motorbikes then hopefully you will enjoy what Janet and I do; we do lots of braais, we drink lots of beer and we tour South Africa on our motorbike, which at the moment is a BMW R1200RT. Join us, read about what we do and please leave us your comments.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

On to matters more frivolous

~ "The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on"~ 
Life goes on, time for matters more frivolous to ease us back into our daily existence and what could be more frivolous than food, glorious food?
I like to braai but I also enjoy cooking in the kitchen and I love trying out new ideas;
Caroline, Linda, Dick and Janet (our other Janet) came over for the weekend a couple of weeks ago, the occasion was a farewell for my buddy Caroline who is going overseas and I made them a beef shin pot which also required a pot of Sadza, the old Rhodesian equivalent of the ubiquitous South African Pap, both of which are made with Miellie meal. We like to roll the sadza into balls and dip it into the gravy, I have covered this in an earlier post.
The thing is what do we do with the leftover sadza the next day or even the day after that? I made my friends the Sadza balls for breakfast on Sunday and I have written about them before too;
The thing was we had more left over so we decided to try something else for the next time we have guests;
Crumble the Sadza and stir in a good cup full of grated cheddar cheese,
Fry a packet of bacon bits and when it has cooled stir it into the mix,

 Mold into cakes, brush with melted butter and grill until golden brown, delicious but rather filling, next time I will make them a bit smaller and I also want to try frying them in flour, egg and breadcrumbs.
I used the last of the Sadza the next evening by molding it into small cubes, rolling in flour, whisked egg and breadcrumbs and deep frying as an accompaniment to some pan fried Angel fish fillets and that was a hit!

Click on the photos to see them full size, we have more ideas for left over Sadza which I will try soon and I will let you know how it turns out. Janet (my Janet) says now there must always be too much Sadza, that's not difficult!


Trobairitz said...

The bacon and cheese mixed in reminds me of the 'taro cakes' we eat at Chinese restaurants as they always have bacon or ham bits in them.

Trobairitz said...

I should have said taro cakes we "used to eat" since we've been vegan for 5 years now.......

the rider said...

Yes I realise that you are vegans, I appreciate you reading my stuff Brandy and putting up with my meaty posts.

Anonymous said...

It sure was a great weekend - lovely food and fitting farewell for Caroline
Cheers and thanks Dick and Janet

the rider said...

Thanks guys, it was good having you all here.