Monday 17th December was a public holiday so a bunch of bikers decided to put it to good use, I got a phone call from Des in Velddrif to say that a large number of toys from the Capetown toy run which took place on 25th November had been allocated for distribution in the area - spread the word!
Apparently a very busy children's home in Velddrif needed a lot of toys for Christmas, they had tried to organise donations last year but didn't receive any toys, this year the bikers were going to be involved! We were to meet at the school car park in Vredenburg and ride together through to Velddrif, Janet and I were the first ones there but it didn't take long before bikers started arriving;
Vincent and his lady with their new very cool looking R1
My old riding buddy Frank was next on his FJR
Mercier and Alec arrived on their bikes, Alec is still recovering from a nasty accident, he was parked off the road standing next to his bike when some cager idiot slammed into them. He had a badly broken leg which as you can see is still in a frame;

Alec is a real biker and you just can't keep a good biker down! Just be careful with that lot Brother.
Soon there was quite a large group, all geared up and ready to do something good once again for needy children.
The weather was lovely, quite a hot sunny day as we set out in our usual staggered formation for the thirty-odd kilometre ride through to the little town of Velddrif on the banks of the Berg river.
At the garage there was an even bigger group of bikers assembled, wonderful people, we wandered around meeting and greeting;
A rather younger looking Santa was there ready to join in the mass ride,
A new young potential biker ready to ride!
The lady who runs the children's charity gave a brief talk thanking the bikers for their generosity and then it was time for the mass ride through Velddrif to the home;
There's Des on his Suzuki side-car rig with a bunch of passengers.
Followed by Santa Claus on the white BMW Police bike, not his usual mode of transport but perfect for this particular occasion.
I didn't count the bikes but it was a large group, a wonderful turn-out - there's Willie on his new 1300 BMW.
Alec seems to be managing just fine on his new Kawasaki. We rode down through the town and then out to the children's home'
There was quite a party going on, each child received a small gift from Santa, the 3,000 toys from the Toy Run would be handed out to the children the following week on Christmas day, making sure that each child would have a happy Christmas thanks to biker generosity.
We spent a while there with the kids and then headed off in search of sustenance, the group split up, some going to the "Wielhuis Pub" and the rest of us to Des' "Ek en Djy Visery" on the banks of the Berg river.
We've been there many times because Des is a biker buddy of ours, he's constantly making improvements to the place.
There were quite a few tourists in the area as well, they didn't seem to put off by the arrival of a mob of bikers.
A beautiful pair of Ninjas!
One of the improvements that Des has made is to include a kitchen that provides light meals at very reasonable prices, my hake and chips was excellent and very good value, Janet had a hamburger which she really enjoyed.
What an extremely pleasant setting in which to enjoy a light meal, a beer or two and some conversation with like minded people, we are lucky in that we live close by but it's not too far for you Capetown people to come and visit, you won't be disappointed I promise.