This run took place in early December but I thought it worth posting because it provides irrefutable evidence that us older biker scum have still got what it takes to pull in the young ladies!

We all gathered at the Engen One-Stop, here Danny, Frank and Div are having a chat, we had a cup of excellent Wimpy coffee while we waited for the rest of the guys.

I don't often appear in my own photos but one of the biker ladies offered to take the picture. Soon we were on the road, twelve bikes in a nice tight staggered formation for the short run to Yzerfontein, a small fishing/holiday village on the coast between Langebaan and Capetown.

I tied my steed up to the hitchin' rail and went in search of a cold beverage. Gradually more and more bikers started arriving, including a good few up from Capetown.

Willie seems to be contemplating whether this is what happens if you use too strong a soap when washing your bike, it shrinks! Actually a lady rode in on this little machine, unfortunately I wasn't there when she arrived to get that photo.

Inside the bar the dirty old bikers latched onto the Miss Festival finalists,

Just to show that I've still got what it takes I managed to attract four of them and of course had to get that photo!

Not to be outdone, Willie promptly gathered five Miss Festival finalists for his photo! Oh to be forty years younger again, hey Willie?

We all had a very good breakfast; scrambled eggs, toast, sausage, minced meat, tomatoes which went down very well.

There's definitely something about us bikers that attracts the chicks! Some pheromone that we put out after a bike ride or something.

Outside in the car park this rider from Capetown had won a bottle of wine and an ice bucket, I'm not sure what for but he donated it to a worthy cause; me, because he had nowhere to carry it home - I suppose he could have drunk it, but anyway I was happy to receive it, thanks my brother.
I hung around for a while longer but there did not seem to be much going on so I hit the road for home, a pleasant ride and a nice breakfast with a bunch of biker buddies, what more could you ask for?
I have a couple of days off work for the new year so I am planning a ride with Frank for Wednesday, maybe a 400-500km loop ending up at the West Coast Hacienda for an overnight and then a short ride home on Thursday, maybe Danny will come with us, I'll tell you all about it.
We old bikers are like a good wine...we improve with time,
Excellent post...looks like you folks had a good time and the lady pictures were a bonus.
Looking forward to read about your January ride.
Thanks for the visit Baron, you're right about us old bikers improving with time, I reckon I'm already aged to perfection!
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