Work's alright, don't get me wrong I have a great job and when the weather is good, like it has been these past few weeks then it's even better but I am really hanging my ass in the direction of the bike rally in Heidelberg this weekend.
Here you can see three of the operations on the go, in the foreground the bags are being packed for the fresh market and in the middle background is the "seeding team" putting the small mussels from the day's harvest back on ropes and into the water and way in the back is another harvesting team. Busy, busy. They think they work hard? Tomorrow I am going to be pushing them like they have never been pushed before because I want to get on the road before 13h00.
Quality control - somebody has to do it! I eat a couple of oysters pretty much every day, I don't think many people can do that in the course of their work day?
When I got home this afternoon I sat down with the map to plan out the route, this is one of the things that I really enjoy and is part of the whole experience along with packing the bike. I worked out that it is just about 400kms so if we only get going at 13h00 we'll have to haul it.
The bike is packed; my tent, mattress, pump, sleeping bag, new braai grid, whisky flask and clothing so all I have to do is get changed and fire her up. The tank's full and the tyres are good.
My plan is to come home on a slightly different route on Sunday, through the Suurbrak Pass to Barrydale for breakfast at the biker friendly "Country Pumpkin" in Barrydale, from there it is 344kms to Saldanha.
I had initially been a bit worried about the weather, a cold front is predicted but from subsequent reports it seems like there might only be a slight chance of rain early tomorrow. I have to go on this rally, there's no way I'm staying home because Janet has got Linda and Janet coming to stay for the weekend. Three women! No way.
I'm meeting my rally buddy Frank on the way, it's going to be good!
I'll tell you all about it.
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