Saturday 4th September dawned a bit grey and cold but as the morning progressed the weather started clearing nicely and by midday the sun was shining brightly through the patchy clouds, warm enough to encourage the bikers arriving for the Gypsy Jokers fun day to gather outside.

Danny had set up the entrance table just inside the door to welcome the visitors and to relieve them of some of their money. Janet bought one of the tee shirts!

The barmaid was kept busy as the guys headed in for liquid refreshment. It was nice to have an attractive young barmaid behind the bar instead of Danny.

But because it was such a nice day a lot of the people opted to stay outside for a while longer.

When they saw me pointing the camera and I shouted "Hey, how about a greeting?"

This is what I got .......... bikers!

Here is a view of the inside, this is where Frank and I play pool just about every Friday afternoon, a nice, tidy pub with a good atmosphere and good people.

There was the usual biker shennanigans taking place outside, this guy wanted to take his bike into the pub and do a donut but Danny convinced him that it looked much better outside!

Soon the first of the lambs was ready and I carved it up for the hungry mob, there was also a potato salad and a green salad.

Throughout the afternoon I had cooked up four big pots of mussels and these were placed out on a table for the people to snack on so there was plenty of food.

Some Cape friends enjoying their meal.

Two young biker brothers tucking into a plate of roast lamb and salads.

As it got darker, and cooler outside the crowd moved inside and started getting into party mood.

Danny and the donut man, hey that sounds like a book title! This is the guy who wanted to do a donut inside the pub.

A biker jol just would not be the same without the pretty young ladies would it? We had plenty.

Happy faces at the bar, bikers know how to party!

It wasn't long before the lamb was reduced to a skeleton, here Dawie tries to get a bit more meat from it!

A small group of people put a great deal of effort into making the day jol a success, and it was a success for the people who did bother to attend, but unfortunately it suffered through lack of support from both the Capetown bikers and the local ones. Is it just a general apathy on their part? Could they just not be bothered to support a local party? Very few clubs were represented and there are hundreds in the area, I'm afraid that Danny might not have done very well and will probably be reluctant to do it again. I'm afraid though that this happens all too often in the Western Cape, we've seen it before and no doubt we'll see it again - oh well, we had a jol.
Excellent words and pictures, Andrew. I'd say the no-shows missed a great get-together.
Yes Mike it was a good time with a good bunch of Bros, I just hope Danny doesn't get despondent and decides not to bother with any more fun days.
Im comparing my blog right thats on system now, and it does not
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for providing me with some needed motivation.
Thanks for your comment annonymous bro., I appreciate it. There was no link to your blog so I could not check it out but good luck.
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