"The best laid plans of mice and men........." The South easterly started blowing on Saturday afternoon and it increased in intensity through the night, I phoned the port control tower at 0600 and they told me the wind was gusting at 33 knots, that's approximately 61 kmh and it was gusting at up to 100kmh in Capetown! Not good conditions for riding a motorbike, we would have ridden at an angle all the way and would have needed turbo boost to make headway;
I was disappointed because I had been looking forward to the ride and the day but there was no point in riding in those conditions, I phoned Frank and Dick and reluctantly cancelled the ride, the big red machine stayed in the garage for the day.

I have posted occasional photos out of Africa for you to have a look at and here is another one that I received via email the other day; I don't know if it's genuine, the cow looks a bit stiff but then maybe it would be! I don't know where in Africa it comes from but it certainly is "Out of Africa."
It would be incredibly difficult to ride like that because the cow's (or bull's) weight would be on the handlebars and as you can see from the photo the rider is sitting right back on the carrier! Only in Africa man!

Even though we weren't able to ride today we had a good lunch at the Cattle Baron in Langebaan and in a lucky draw our table number won a R100 gift voucher for the next time we go there, how cool is that? I must check my lotto tickets. That discount voucher will come in handy when the family is all here at the end of the month.
Life is good, life goes on, even after the sadness of the past couple of months.
I am looking forward to my next ride even though I am not sure when that will be or where we will be going, but we will be riding soon!
Stay safe.
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