I have, after more than a year and a half, got quite a few regular readers on this blog - 1274 from 62 countries actually and I am very proud of that, you have been following my motorbike stories for which I thank you, but now things take a more drastic turn, my comfortable and secure lifestyle takes a turn for the worse and I wonder if you will still be with me when you find out what is about to happen, what I am about to go through;
Janet is going to Durban on a conference for four days!
WTF! How am I supposed to cope with this? Can you imagine me at home here for four days on my own? Ok she has made four sandwiches and put them in the fridge for the next four days for me to take to work but how am I meant to survive in the evening?
There are things for me to warm up, like chickens and left overs from Chinese restaurants and I think there is also an Eisbein that wasn't very nice, maybe I'll go to Duncan's pub for a few meals but what I think I will do is publish a few blog entries on what to do if you are left alone, what do you do if you are feeling insecure and left all alone.
It's definitely different if I go away for a weekend on a bike rally and leave Janet alone at home, I'm not so sad then.
So follow the "Batchelor Diaries" from now, I will keep you informed and guide you through this very difficult time and maybe you guys will be able to get some guidance and confidence should you be found in such a difficult and disturbing circumstance.
Tomorrow evening I am on my own at home!
Perhaps you could get an assist from the cat.
Yes actually the cat does keep me company, he's an old boy and follows me around - thanks for the comment
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