Sunday dawned cold and overcast, weather forecasts were split between rain and partly cloudy, Murray told me that if it rained they were going to have breakfast at Juffroushoogte and if it didn't they were going to ride down to the Westcoast Farmstall on the R27.
I really enjoy the monthly breakfast runs, we don't usually ride far, often locally within a one hundred kilometer radius so as not to put too much strain on members' wallets. With our continuous charity work their wallets are under enough strain as it is. I wasn't expecting many people, some are away on holiday, a couple are recovering from operations and the weather would also put people off, I couldn't get Janet out of bed again........."Leave me, you go, I'll be fine here." she mumbled from under the blankets as I dragged myself out of my nice warm pit.
Fourteen Celsius as I rode out of town, I noticed that during Saturday night someone had slammed into the back of the parked Capetown bus. There was no sign of the other vehicle but it must have been badly damaged! Fridays and Saturday nights here in Saldanha Bay, drunken shenanigans!
Three other bikes and two cages at the start point, two BMWs mine and Willie's, Daan and bev on their Yamaha FJR and Heine and Gerda on their Triumph Trophy. Johan was in his bakkie.
Murray's bike wouldn't start so he and Laureen were in this little car, nine of us on the run and we set out just after 09h00, heading south on the R27. The weather seemed to be improving and there was virtually no wind, one of those lovely mild mid winter days that are ideal for biking. It's not far but it was a lovely ride, we pulled into the usual layby for our tea break.
I had considered some sort of penalty for Johan for not riding his bike but he brought a lovely bottle of "Bokshot" liqueur so I guess that lets him off, no one had brought the glasses so we had to pass the bottle cap around. That Bokshot was damn nice, will have to get some.
Heine was first in line |
Then Johan |
Vice Pres Murray enjoys a cuppa |
Bev's turn |
Willie seems to be imploring; "When is it going to be my turn?" as Johan gets another cup.
From there a short hop to the Westcoast Farm stall, we chose a sheltered table as we had ridden through a brief, light spattering of rain.
Next to me, Johan then Heine,Gerda and Laureen |
Murray, Daan, Bev and me again |
The Westcoast Farmstall has had mixed reviews, some have complained of poor service although I have not noticed that, I have also always found the food to be good and reasonably priced although we did walk out one day when we took friends there for lunch and there was no white wine available, I found that inexcusable because they are less than 20km from the wine suppliers in Darling.
This huge and delicious egg and bacon sandwich was only R70 and there was plenty of bacon too.
We rode back through Langebaan where we stopped for a beer at the Pirate's Bar and then went our separate ways, another great breakfast run.
Wednesday was again a lovely day and I had to go through to drop some things off in Vredenburg so I decided to go on the bike, I took the long way as we who ride bikes are inclined to do.
I was surprised to see a few patches of wild orange daisies near the road, I didn't expect them this early, perhaps that bodes well for the flower season this year.
It's great to be back out on the bike, Saturday is the combined 148 year birthday party for me and Frank at the Phoenix bar although I won't be going on the bike. Pop in and give us a kiss if you're nearby. Stay safe, stay upright.