Welcome to my blog, these are the ramblings and musings of an (upper) middle aged biker and if you enjoy braais, (barbeques) beers and motorbikes then hopefully you will enjoy what Janet and I do; we do lots of braais, we drink lots of beer and we tour South Africa on our motorbike, which at the moment is a BMW R1200RT. Join us, read about what we do and please leave us your comments.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Saturday, June 6, 2015
First annual WMA mini rally at Wingerd a resounding success
The days leading up to the weekend had seen some seriously bad weather so we were all a bit concerned that the West Coast Motorcycle Association's first day jol or mini rally would be washed out, but the weather gods decided to be kind to us and bestowed clear if not entirely warm weather upon us.
You can say that it all started on the Friday afternoon really, because while Frank and I were at the Rooikrans bar for our regular pool session the Mohicans arrived en masse, with their National President who was down from Pretoria to meet new members and to attend the rally. "Die Mohicans maak die jol vol!" it was going to be a good one if their enthusiasm was anything to go by.
I arrived at about 14h30 to an already crowded, happy venue and it was great to see the large number of bikes parked outside. I had gone in my bakkie (pick-up) because it was my intention to sleep there rather than drive home in the eraly hours of the morning.

There were already a large number of the Meeulanders, here I joined (from left in both pictures) Anton, Heinie, Mike and Barbara for my first beer of the day.
I was most impressed with the work that Anton had done on his old motorbike, this is absolutely beautiful. I'll dig up a photo of what this bike used to look like and compare them in another post.

Plenty of happy people, the crowd was growing all of the time and the usual acrid smoke from spinning tyres permeated the chilly winter air. Ahh rally! Nothing quite like it is there?
I watched a bit of the games for a while, tyre throw and slow race,
the ladies were very active participants which was really great to see, here's Mercia a lady who really knows how to rally and who enjoys every moment.
From there I decided it was time to head inside and see what was going on,
I bumped into these two old biker scums; Frank and Fungis, we've done a lot of miles together over the years and attended many rallies, the party was well under way by then!

The disco was pumping out excellent rock 'n roll and heavy metal and the pretty girls were dancing on the stage. The organisers never did manage to get the wet tee shirt competition on the go, South African biker chicks are a bit too conservative it seems. But we danced!
There were a lot of pretty girls around!
And the party raged on into the night. Sometime in the wee small hours I started to fade, it was time to get some kip, these were the last photos;
Alex, Eduardo and me.
At this stage it appears that Vincent is holding me up, he is a great brother this one he tried to get me to give up my vehicle keys thinking that I was going to drive home but I assured him I was sleeping there.
I think that at this time the place was pretty much empty, it had been a great party, a huge success for the WMA and all of the oprganisers who put in a lot of work behind the scenes and on the day. If that is what the first one is like then I cannot wait for the next one, well done guys and thank you for an epic jol.
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